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US ARMY modern soldier 1/35 scale

Brands: Live Resin
Scale: 1/35

Availability: In stock



US ARMY modern soldier with covered ACH/MICH helmet with NVG PVS 14, MS2000 Strobe Beacon Infrared/ Visible Strobe Signal Light and MTEK Predator Face Armour, ESS Crossbow goggles, M9 pistol in Eagle Molle Universal Holster UH-92F-MS, USSOCOM SCAR weapon system FN SCAR-H / Mk.17 Std and CQC with mounted Mk 13 Enhanced Grenade Launcher Module(EGLM) with ELCAN SpecterDR 1-4x SU-230/PVS and FN Fire Control Unit (FCU), Massif flame-resistant Army combat shirt, Army Flame Resistant Pants IOTV Gen 2 body armor with Deltoid Auxillary Protective shoulder pads and low back protector, Oakley Factory Pilot SI Assault Gloves, Oakley Sabot High Assault Boots., Military Surplus Tactical Knee & Elbow Pads, CONDOR MA24 7.62 NATO 308 MOLLE Rifle Magazine Pouches, Tactical Tailor MOLLE Medic CMT Pouch, Military Army Issue MOLLE canteenPouch, 40 mm grenade 12rd bandolier/belt, TMC Spartan Grenade Pouches
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