Search results for 'LRE 35147'" and "x"="y'
M3D/Dragon M-50 .50 Caliber Machine Gun on M3 tripod
Brands: Live Resin Scale: 1/35 $15.00 -
Barrett M82A1/107A1 .50 Caliber (LRSR) spare magazines, cartridges and spent shells
Brands: Live Resin Scale: 1/35 $9.00 -
Barrett M82A1/107A1 .50 Caliber (LRSR) on M3 tripod
Brands: Live Resin Scale: 1/35 $9.40
Barrett M82A1/107A1 .50 Caliber (LRSR) on Barrett heavy mount with Bearing Sleeve pedestal, Bearing Sleeve Extension with armour shield
Brands: Live Resin Scale: 1/35 $9.40 -
Barrett M82A1/107A1 .50 Caliber (LRSR) CQB on a Military Systems Group Inc. SA 1 Swing Arm a double articulated gun mount support with H24-6 Machine Gun Mount
Brands: Live Resin Scale: 1/35 $9.40 -
Barrett M107A1 .50 Caliber LRSR and Barrett M107A1 .50 Caliber LRSR CQB with quick-attach Barrett QDL Suppressor
Brands: Live Resin Scale: 1/35 $9.40
Barrett M107A1 .50 Caliber Long Range Sniper Rifle (LRSR) and M107A1 CQB
Brands: Live Resin Scale: 1/35 $9.40 -
Barrett M82A1 .50 Caliber Long Range Sniper Rifle (LRSR) and M82A1 CQB
Brands: Live Resin Scale: 1/35 $9.40 -
M16/M4/AR15/HK416 magazine set 2 - M16/M4/AR15/HK416 Magazine, M16/M4/AR15 Magpul PMAG 30 5.56x45 Magazine with/without Magpul RANGER PLATE USGI, Redi-Mag, SureFire high-capacity magazine for 5.56x45 60-Round - 52 parts in set
Brands: Live Resin Scale: 1/35 $9.40
Heckler & Koch HK416 modular assault rifle with Geissele Super Modular Rail, MR 556 Long, Short barrel with/without Redi-Mag and Supressor
Brands: Live Resin Scale: 1/35 $9.40 -
Heckler & Koch HK416 modular assault rifle, long and short barrel with/without Redi-Mag, HK M320 Grenade Launcher Module (GLM), Supressor
Brands: Live Resin Scale: 1/35 $9.40 -
Heckler & Koch HK416 modular assault rifle, long and short barrel with/without Redi-Mag, Supressor
Brands: Live Resin Scale: 1/35 $9.40
Heckler & Koch HK416 modular assault rifle, long and short barrel with/without Redi-Mag
Brands: Live Resin Scale: 1/35 $9.40 -
ESS Crossbow goggles Ballistic Eyeshields - ESS Eye Pro (model is made by from transparent resin)
Brands: Live Resin Scale: 1/35 $9.00 -
Tactical Tailor/Spartan Grenade Pouches
Brands: Live Resin Scale: 1/35 $9.00
Plastic water bottles (this model is made by transparent resin)
Brands: Live Resin Scale: 1/35 $9.00 -
Peltor Radio FL5040-02 Push to Talk (PTT) for Military Comtac head set
Brands: Live Resin Scale: 1/35 $9.00 -
IOTV Improved Outer Tactical Vest with torso
Brands: Live Resin Scale: 1/35 $9.00
Oakley Sabot High Assault Boots
Brands: Live Resin Scale: 1/35 $9.00 -
Oakley Factory Pilot SI Assault Gloves
Brands: Live Resin Scale: 1/35 $9.00 -
US Army Military Surplus Tactical Knee & Elbow Pads set
Brands: Live Resin Scale: 1/35 $9.00
US Army Military Surplus Tactical Knee Pads set
Brands: Live Resin Scale: 1/35 $9.00 -
US Army N.A.P.E. Pad for ACH/MICH Helmet
Brands: Live Resin Scale: 1/35 $9.00 -
Ballistic Helmet Pad Mine Safety Appllianse (MSA)/Skydex
Brands: Live Resin Scale: 1/35 $9.00
US Army Modern Heads in ACH/MICH helmet without cover and MTEK Predator Face Armour
Brands: Live Resin Scale: 1/35 $9.00 -
US Army Utility Pouches Set
Brands: Live Resin Scale: 1/35 $9.00 -
US Military Issue Hydramax Water Hydration Unit System
Brands: Live Resin Scale: 1/35 $9.00
40 mm grenade 12rd bandolier/belt
Brands: Live Resin Scale: 1/35 $9.00 -
CONDOR MA24 7.62 NATO 308 MOLLE Rifle Magazine Pouches
Brands: Live Resin Scale: 1/35 $9.00 -
5,56 HSGI Universal Modular triple Magazine Pouches
Brands: Live Resin Scale: 1/35 $9.00
CONDOR 5.56 mm MOLLE Rifle Magazine Pouches
Brands: Live Resin Scale: 1/35 $9.00 -
M134D Spare 3000 Round Vehicle Magazine with Booster Assembly and belts
Brands: Live Resin Scale: 1/35 $9.00 -
M134D Ammunition feed chutes
Brands: Live Resin Scale: 1/35 $9.00
M134D 3000 Round Vehicle Magazine with Booster Assembly and ammunition feed chutes
Brands: Live Resin Scale: 1/35 $9.00 -
M134D barrels set (one part, ready to mount barrels and highly detailed 2-part barrel which requires assembly)
Brands: Live Resin Scale: 1/35 $9.00 -
US Army M4 carbine with Knight's Armament 5.56MM QDSS NT4 suppressor
Brands: Live Resin Scale: 1/35 $9.00
US Army M4 carbine with HK M320 Grenade Launcher Module (GLM) and AN/PSQ-18A laser scope
Brands: Live Resin Scale: 1/35 $9.00 -
Ammo Belts 5,56x45mm NATO (.223" Remington)
Brands: Live Resin Scale: 1/35 $9.00 -
M134D Minigun with M89A Surefire HellFighter Mount Assembly on heavy pedestal and S.A.G. (Save-A-Gunner) armour shield (window variant) with late barrel clamp and 3000 Round Vehicle Magazine with Booster Assembly and SLAB battery
Brands: Live Resin Scale: 1/35 $15.00
M134D Minigun with picatinny top rail on high adjustable pedestal and S.A.G. (Save-A-Gunner) armour shield (window variant) with late barrel clamp (slotted flash supressor) and 3000 Round Vehicle Magazine with Booster Assembly and SLAB battery
Brands: Live Resin Scale: 1/35 $15.00 -
M134D Minigun with picatinny top rail on high adjustable pedestal and wide S.A.G. (Save-A-Gunner) armour shield with late barrel clamp (slotted flash supressor) and 3000 Round Vehicle Magazine with Booster Assembly and SLAB battery
Brands: Live Resin Scale: 1/35 $15.00 -
M134D Minigun with M89A Surefire HellFighter Mount Assembly on Bearing Sleeve pedestal, Bearing Sleeve Extension and cute GPK armour shield (window variant) with late barrel clamp and 3000 Round Vehicle Magazine with Booster Assembly and SLAB battery
Brands: Live Resin Scale: 1/35 $15.00
M134D Minigun with picatinny top rail on high adjustable pedestal and cute GPK armour shield with late barrel clamp (slotted flash supressor) and 3000 Round Vehicle Magazine with Booster Assembly and SLAB battery
Brands: Live Resin Scale: 1/35 $15.00 -
M134D Minigun on Vertical Arm Mount with early/late barrel clamp (with/without flash supressor) and 3000 Round Vehicle Magazine with Booster Assembly and SLAB battery
Brands: Live Resin Scale: 1/35 $15.00 -
M134D Minigun on M3 tripod with early/late barrel clamp (with/without flash supressor) and 3000 Round Vehicle Magazine with Booster Assembly and SLAB battery
Brands: Live Resin Scale: 1/35 $15.00
M2 Browning .50 Caliber Machine Gun cartriges and spent shells set
Brands: Live Resin Scale: 1/35 $9.00 -
M2 Browning .50 Caliber Machine Gun belt links set
Brands: Live Resin Scale: 1/35 $9.00 -
M2 Browning .50 Caliber Machine Gun ammo belts set
Brands: Live Resin Scale: 1/35 $9.00
M2 Browning .50 Caliber Machine Gun ammo boxes, ammo belts
Brands: Live Resin Scale: 1/35 $9.00 -
M2 Browning .50 Caliber Machine Gun on MK93 Machine Gun Mount with heavy pedestal, Bearing Sleeve Extension and S.A.G. (Save-A-Gunner) armour shield (window variant) and Surefire HellFighter Mount barrel bracket, Surefire HellFighter Heavy Gun Weapon Ligh
Brands: Live Resin Scale: 1/35 $15.00 -
M2 Browning .50 Caliber Machine Gun on MK93 Machine Gun Mount, high adjustable pedestal and wide S.A.G. (Save-A-Gunner) armour shield and Surefire HellFighter Mount barrel bracket, Night Reaper CSWL (Crew Served Weapon Light), M2 NV sight mount and DCL401
Brands: Live Resin Scale: 1/35 $15.00
M2 Browning .50 Caliber Machine Gun on MK93 Machine Gun Mount with heavy pedestal, Bearing Sleeve Extension and S.A.G. (Save-A-Gunner) armour shield (window variant) and Surefire HellFighter Heavy Gun Weapon Light with Mk93 Cantilever Bracket, M2 NV sight
Brands: Live Resin Scale: 1/35 $15.00 -
M2 Browning .50 Caliber Machine Gun on MK93 Machine Gun Mount with heavy pedestal, Bearing Sleeve Extension and wide S.A.G. (Save-A-Gunner) armour shield, Night Reaper CSWL (Crew Served Weapon Light) with Mk93 Cantilever Bracket, M2 NV sight mount and DCL
Brands: Live Resin Scale: 1/35 $15.00 -
M2 Browning .50 Caliber Machine Gun on MK93 Machine Gun Mount with Bearing Sleeve pedestal, Bearing Sleeve Extension and classic GPK armour shield (with/without shield)
Brands: Live Resin Scale: 1/35 $15.00
M2 Browning .50 Caliber Machine Gun on M3 tripod with MK93 Heavy Machine Gun Mounting System, M2 NV sight mount and DCL401 Dot Sight
Brands: Live Resin Scale: 1/35 $15.00 -
M2 Browning .50 Caliber Machine Gun on M3 tripod
Brands: Live Resin Scale: 1/35 $15.00 -
Set of accessories for heavy weapons - Polarion Night Reaper CSWL (Crew Served Weapon Light), Surefire HellFighter Heavy Gun Weapon Light, Mk93 Cantilever Bracket, DCL120, DCL401 Dot Sight (Specialized Red Dot Sight for the MK-19, M2 and M134 Minigun, “Fi
Brands: Live Resin Scale: 1/35 $9.00
US ARMY AT4 /M136 Grenade Launcher
Brands: Live Resin Scale: 1/35 $9.00 -
Ammo Belts 7.62x51mm NATO (.308" Winchester)
Brands: Live Resin Scale: 1/35 $9.00 -
MAG 58 GSMG (General Support Machine Gun), L7A2 GPMG (General Purpose Machine Gun), C6 GPMG, etc.
Brands: Live Resin Scale: 1/35 $9.00
M240G standard U.S. Marine Corps medium machine gun
Brands: Live Resin Scale: 1/35 $9.00 -
M249 Squad Automatic Weapon (SAW) with long barrel, plastic stock and plastic handguard
Brands: Live Resin Scale: 1/35 $9.00 -
M249 Squad Automatic Weapon (SAW) with long barrel, plastic stock and picatinny rail
Brands: Live Resin Scale: 1/35 $9.00
MK19-3/MK47 40 mm grenades, spent shells
Brands: Live Resin Scale: 1/35 $9.00 -
MK19-3/MK47 MK93 Multi-Purpose Ammo Can Holder and PA70 60 mm ammo cans, ammo belts
Brands: Live Resin Scale: 1/35 $9.00 -
MK19-3/MK47 M548 48 cart ammo boxes, ammo belts
Brands: Live Resin Scale: 1/35 $9.00
MK19-3/MK47 PA120 32 cart ammo boxes, ammo belts,
Brands: Live Resin Scale: 1/35 $9.00 -
MK19-3/MK47 40 mm ammo belts
Brands: Live Resin Scale: 1/35 $9.00 -
MK19-3 40mm Grenade Machine Gun on MK93 Machine Gun Mount with heavy pedestal and S.A.G. (Save-A-Gunner) armour shield (window variant) and Surefire HellFighter Heavy Gun Weapon Light with Mk93 Cantilever Bracket
Brands: Live Resin Scale: 1/35 $15.00
MK19-3 40mm Grenade Machine Gun on MK93 Machine Gun Mount, high adjustable pedestal and wide S.A.G. (Save-A-Gunner) armour shield and Polarion Night Reaper CSWL (Crew Served Weapon Light) with Mk93 Cantilever Bracket
Brands: Live Resin Scale: 1/35 $15.00 -
MK19-3 40mm Grenade Machine Gun on MK93 Machine Gun Mount with Bearing Sleeve pedestal and S.A.G. (Save-A-Gunner) armour shield
Brands: Live Resin Scale: 1/35 $15.00 -
MK19-3 40mm Grenade Machine Gun on MK93 Machine Gun Mount with Bearing Sleeve pedestal and classic GPK armour shield (with/without shield)
Brands: Live Resin Scale: 1/35 $15.00
MK19-3 40mm Grenade Machine Gun on MK93 Machine Gun Mount with M3 tripod
Brands: Live Resin Scale: 1/35 $15.00 -
Mk47 Advanced Lightweight Grenade Launcher [ALGL] Striker 40 on Vinghog ICSW mount and cute S.A.G. (Save-A-Gunner) armour shield
Brands: Live Resin Scale: 1/35 $15.00 -
Mk47 Advanced Lightweight Grenade Launcher [ALGL] Striker 40 on Vinghog ICSW mount and S.A.G. (Save-A-Gunner) armour shield ( window variant)
Brands: Live Resin Scale: 1/35 $15.00
Mk47 Advanced Lightweight Grenade Launcher [ALGL] Striker 40 on Vinghog ICSW mount and classical GPK armour shield
Brands: Live Resin Scale: 1/35 $15.00 -
Mk47 Advanced Lightweight Grenade Launcher [ALGL] Striker 40 on Vinghog ICSW mount and cuted armour shield
Brands: Live Resin Scale: 1/35 $15.00 -
Mk47 Advanced Lightweight Grenade Launcher [ALGL] Striker 40 on Vinghog ICSW mount
Brands: Live Resin Scale: 1/35 $15.00
Mk47 Advanced Lightweight Grenade Launcher [ALGL] Striker 40 on General Dynamics tripod
Brands: Live Resin Scale: 1/35 $15.00 -
US Army PASGT helmet with cover with Mount NVG PVS 7/14/15 and covered goggles
Brands: Live Resin Scale: 1/35 $9.00 -
US Army PASGT helmet with cover with Mount NVG PVS 7/14/15 and uncovered goggles
Brands: Live Resin Scale: 1/35 $9.00
US Army PASGT helmet with cover with Mount NVG PVS 7/14/15
Brands: Live Resin Scale: 1/35 $9.00 -
US Army PASGT helmet with cover with Mount Plate NVG PVS 7/14/15
Brands: Live Resin Scale: 1/35 $9.00 -
US Army PASGT helmet with cover
Brands: Live Resin Scale: 1/35 $9.00
US Navy Seals Weapon Mk.18 Rifle (CQBR)
Brands: Live Resin Scale: 1/35 $9.00 -
Heckler & Koch HK416 modular assault rifle
Brands: Live Resin Scale: 1/35 $9.00 -
US Army M24 Sniper Weapon System (SWS)
Brands: Live Resin Scale: 1/35 $9.00
US Navy/SOF Mk 12 Mod 0/1 Special Purpose Rifle (SPR)
Brands: Live Resin Scale: 1/35 $9.00 -
US Army M16A4 MWS Automatic rifle with M203A1 40mm Grenade Launcher
Brands: Live Resin Scale: 1/35 $9.00 -
US Army M16A4 MWS (Modular Weapon System) Automatic Rifle with KAC rail interface system
Brands: Live Resin Scale: 1/35 $9.00
US Army M9 pistol, BlackHawk CQC Serpa Holster, pouches set
Brands: Live Resin Scale: 1/35 $9.00 -
United States Navy Mark 14 Enhanced Battle Rifle (EBR)
Brands: Live Resin Scale: 1/35 $9.00 -
US Army Modern Heads with ESS Crossbow Goggles and Peltor Communication Headsets Comtac II - Comtac ACH
Brands: Live Resin Scale: 1/35 $9.00
US Army Modern Heads with ESS Crossbow Goggles
Brands: Live Resin Scale: 1/35 $9.00 -
USSOCOM SCAR weapon system FN SCAR-H - Mk. 17 Std and CQC with mounted Mk 13 Enhanced Grenade Launcher ModuleEGLM and Mk 13 EGLM with closed stock with FN Fire Control Unit FCU-GLRF
Brands: Live Resin Scale: 1/35 $9.00 -
USSOCOM SCAR weapon system FN SCAR-L - Mk. 16 Std and CQC with mounted Mk 13 Enhanced Grenade Launcher ModuleEGLM and Mk 13 EGLM with opened stock with FN Fire Control Unit FCU-GLRF
Brands: Live Resin Scale: 1/35 $9.00
USSOCOM SCAR weapon system FN SCAR-H - Mk. 17 Standard Std and Standard Std with suppressor military SCAR-D-sd Advanced armament corp
Brands: Live Resin Scale: 1/35 $9.00 -
USSOCOM SCAR weapon system FN SCAR-L - Mk. 16 Standard Std and Standard Std with suppressor military SCAR-D-sd Advanced armament corp
Brands: Live Resin Scale: 1/35 $9.00 -
USSOCOM SCAR weapon system FN SCAR-H - Mk. 17 Close Quarter CombatCQC and Close Quarter CombatCQC with suppressor military SCAR-D-sd Advanced armament corp
Brands: Live Resin Scale: 1/35 $9.00
USSOCOM SCAR weapon system FN SCAR-L - Mk. 16 Close Quarter CombatCQC and Close Quarter CombatCQC with suppressor military SCAR-D-sd Advanced armament corp
Brands: Live Resin Scale: 1/35 $9.00